Chicago Muslim Attorney

Legal Matters for Illinois Residents of Islamic Faith in DuPage County and Cook County
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, our attorneys are dedicated to building strong client relationships. We connect with our community and afford each and every client the personalized legal services they need and deserve. Regardless of your legal issue, we will provide the level of advocacy you need and deserve, because we understand that your legal matter is significant to you and to your future. While our attorneys give every client the same level of experience, skill, and legal knowledge, we are adept at helping those of the Islamic faith. Our attorneys work with leading Islamic scholars to ensure our estate plans are in accordance with Shariah law, and these scholars provide counsel on multiple other Islamic-related issues. The primary practice areas of our lawyers are family law, estate planning, and business law,. However, we have significant experience in many other areas of the law as well.
Extensive Islamic Finance Experience
Our Illinois Islamic business law attorneys have extensive financial experience regarding banking, project financing, business formation and restructuring, contract negotiation, business dispute resolution, and mergers and acquisitions, to name a few. We have a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of Islamic finance, and we know how to apply those principles to your financial and business transactions. If you are in the midst of complex and confusing business litigation, our legal advice will be tailored to the exact sector in which you are operating. Our goal is to fully understand your business and the needs of that business in order to achieve a successful outcome to your business litigation and help you achieve your long-term objectives.
Islamic Family Law Matters
While all family law matters tend to be emotional and complex, Islamic family law matters handled in the United States can be even more so. Attorneys Ausaf Farooqi and Naveed S. Husain work hard to help clients, attorneys, and judges understand how the Islamic marriage mahr agreement and other related issues are applied in the U.S. We can guide you through a process where not only do state divorce laws apply, but the proceedings also follow Islamic law. We can help you deal with provisions of the marriage contract and Islamic prenuptial agreements, including the Islamic divorce certificate, dowries, and civil court orders, as well as the more traditional Western proceedings such as asset division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. Having an experienced attorney by your side can ensure your family law issues progress as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Estate Planning for Muslims
In accordance with Islamic and Illinois laws, the best way to ensure your assets are properly distributed after your death is to have a valid will prepared. Failure to engage in estate planning can result in the state of Illinois determining how your estate will be distributed, which violates Islamic law. The rights of your heirs are specified in the Qur'an, which mandates that your legal family heirs receive two-thirds of your estate. You must specify who will receive the remaining one-third. Likewise, your debts must be paid in accordance with Islamic law. All aspects of Islamic estate planning must be addressed by an Illinois Islamic law attorney who fully understands the process in order for it to be done correctly. Our attorneys will ensure your estate planning meets both Islamic and Illinois law.
Chicago, Illinois Muslim Lawyer
Our Chicago Muslim lawyers can assist you with many more legal issues, including immigration, foreclosure defense, bankruptcy, commercial and civil litigation, employment law, and corporate law. Contact an experienced Muslim lawyer from Farooqi & Husain Law Office today at 630-909-9114. We represent clients in DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, and Kane County.
Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce, Family Law, and Estate Planning for Muslims
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, we regularly work with Muslim families to help them resolve their legal issues, and we are often asked questions about how to handle legal matters while following Islamic law. We have compiled answers to these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), and you can download this helpful information about divorce and estate planning by filling out the form below.
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