Oak Brook Post Divorce Modification Lawyers

Divorce Attorneys Serving Hinsdale, Elmhurst, DuPage County, and Cook County
Divorce brings change. Families must often adjust to new residences, new surroundings, and a new way of life. It stands to reason that such changes may impact a final divorce decree. Changes in financial status may prompt a former spouse to switch careers or seek higher education. Additionally, life-altering events such as terminal illness, physical impairments, or remarriage may alter a person's ability to fulfill the terms of the original decree.
Farooqi & Husain Law Office is a respected family law firm handling post-divorce modifications for its DuPage County clients. Removal (relocation) proceedings and modifications to the allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody), parenting time (visitation), child support, and maintenance/alimony are common issues divorcees encounter. Our DuPage County family law attorneys can help you navigate the modification process, and we will explain the potential impact these changes may have on your lifestyle.
Experienced Handling of Parental Relocation Proceedings
The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA) details the requirements that parents will need to meet in situations where they plan to move with their children after getting divorced. One of the main concerns with parental relocation is the potential impact on the parent-child relationship with both parents. The IMDMA's guidelines recognize the importance of proximity and access to both parents. When a parent plans to move to a new home, and this relocation would require them to modify their parenting plan, courts will be looking to ensure that any modifications made will provide for the children's best interests.
In Illinois, parental relocation is defined as:
- A change in residence of up to 25 miles when the child formerly lived in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, or Will Counties;
- A residence change of up to 50 miles for any other county; or
- A change in residence to a different state up to 25 miles away from the previous residence.
Our attorneys are current on in-state, out-of-state, and international relocation requirements and proceedings. Our dedicated team can help you modify your child custody agreement as needed to provide an atmosphere that is in the best interest of your child or children. Our legal team will work diligently on creating the best solution for your family's ever-changing needs.
Complete Post Divorce Modification Assistance in DuPage County, IL
Often, parental relocation will impact parenting time and the allocation of parental responsibilities. Job losses, demotions, and catastrophic accidents or illnesses may also impact a parent's ability to provide court-ordered support. The best way to handle these concerns is to address them quickly. Our DuPage County post-divorce modification lawyers are ready to help you initiate the process to make legal modifications to child custody, child support, spousal support, or other orders.
It is important to remember that court orders are enforceable. You do not want to be in an unfortunate situation due to a failure to act quickly to address financial issues that affect your ability to pay support, and it is best to avoid any issues that could put you at risk of being accused of failing to follow the court's orders. Our attorneys are effective negotiators who are focused on seeking the best outcome for your family; we put your children first. If you are not sure how to begin the process, we can help. Bring us your concerns so that we may find solutions.
Contact Our Oakbrook Terrace Post-Divorce Modification Attorneys
Contact our attorneys today for trusted, thorough handling of post-divorce modifications. Call 630-909-9114 to set up an initial consultation. We serve DuPage County, Cook County, Kane County, Will County, Oak Brook, Oakbrook Terrace, Hinsdale, Elmhurst, and across Northern Illinois.
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