DuPage County Collaborative Law Attorneys

Helping Clients Find The Best Way to Resolve Family Issues in DuPage County and Cook County
Spouses who choose to get a divorce, parents who need to address issues related to child custody, or others who need to handle concerns related to family law may encounter a variety of disputes and disagreements. Determining the best ways to resolve these disagreements is not always easy, but in many cases, family members will be looking to find amicable solutions that will allow them to preserve important family relationships and avoid conflicts in the future. Regardless of the level of conflict in these cases, it is often in the best interests of everyone involved to avoid litigation in court, since this can be very expensive and time-consuming, and neither party may be fully satisfied with the decisions made by a judge. Fortunately, multiple methods of alternative dispute resolution are available, including using a process known as collaborative law.
At Farooqi & Husain Law Office, our attorneys are trained in collaborative law and other forms of dispute resolution, and we are committed to helping our clients find creative and effective solutions to their family law disputes. We always make sure to explain all of the available options to our clients while ensuring that they understand their rights and helping them negotiate agreements that will allow them to move forward successfully.
What Is Collaborative Law?
To avoid fighting public battles in the courtroom, the parties in a family law case will often negotiate a settlement out of court. Collaborative law can be an effective way of doing so, and it will allow the parties to work together with their attorneys to reach agreements on all outstanding issues in their case. In collaborative law cases, both sides will agree to cooperate to create a settlement that is acceptable to everyone involved. This process will allow the parties to maintain control over the outcome of their case, and even though each party will be represented by an attorney, they will be encouraged to approach discussions in the spirit of cooperation and be willing to compromise when making decisions.
The collaborative law process usually begins with both sides signing a participation agreement. This agreement will outline the collaborative law process and state that the parties are committed to resolving their dispute through this method. The agreement will also typically state that the parties will be open and honest with each other and provide any information that is requested during the negotiation process. After the participation agreement is signed, the parties and their attorneys will meet to discuss the issues in the case and try to reach agreements on all outstanding issues.
During the collaborative process, the parties may agree to work with different types of experts to help them address different complex issues in their case. These experts may include financial advisors, accountants, or appraisers who can assist with matters related to the division of marital property or business valuations. Family counselors or child custody evaluators may help address issues related to children or other family relationships, ensuring that the parties will be able to create parenting agreements that will provide for their children's best interests.
The collaborative process is usually confidential, which means that anything that is said during the meetings between the parties and their attorneys cannot be used in court if the process does not result in a settlement. If the collaborative process is unsuccessful, then the attorneys involved will be required to withdraw from the case. This encourages everyone involved in the process to find mutually agreeable solutions and avoid costly and protracted legal disputes.
Contact Our DuPage County Collaborative Law Attorneys
If you need to address family law issues related to divorce, child custody, or other types of cases, collaborative law may be an effective, efficient form of alternative dispute resolution. As you address legal matters, it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side who can help protect your rights and interests. Farooqi & Husain Law Office has successfully represented clients in multiple types of collaborative law cases, and we are committed to helping our clients find the best possible resolutions to their legal disputes. Contact our office today at 630-909-9114 to schedule a consultation and get the legal help you need. We represent clients in DuPage County, Cook County, Will County, and Kane County.
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